Where our data on the internet are stocked?

It might be that we put to ourselves the question: where are our data on the internet are stocked?

Google is used continuously by thousand millions of internauts. As a continual, it is not stop working during 24/24h, 7/7days, and 365days. Thus, we are among that millions of people users’ internet. However, our data on the internet are stocked somewhere in the world, and by a very qualitative high-tech. For instance, we can say that those clouds of data are stored in aim of keeping safe our data, and even to have access to them without any risk. Therefore, it is very powerful to know where are they stored or stocked. Knowing the place where our clouds data are kept allows us to be able to prevent hacking from our personal integrity. That helps also us to know if it is still available or no.

In order to respond regularly to that question, it is also great to read attentively the few topics below.



1) Data storage on computer (our own area on the internet): There is an infrastructure allowing restoring all living data such as configuration and application. These one are stored on data set or on the system. Into some hard drive, an application called SAN (Storage Area Network) is intended to store data when other named DAS (Direct Attached Stored) is made to share that all data out the hard drive. There is also which called NAS (Network Attached Storage). This one have is own system of exploitation, thing allowing a firm or a company to store more data into the server farm. Of course, NAS is done mainly to the firm, but not to the particular. Without application server, it is possible that NAS allow a firm to have directly access to data client.

2) Data storage on a big data center (all internauts’ area): It is not far from the storage on the little hard drive on the computer. All data on internet, produced by a million of Web Site, are stored on a very big data set, and the first head-office is located in the United States. In process of navigation, our data in internet won’t store directly on our own hard drive. As a matter of fact, they are still stocked somewhere on one of the data center in the world. There are also several applications intended to provide and stock all data such as: Dropbox, iCloud, Wuala, hubiC, Skydrive, Google Drive and so on.


1) Storage cloud on computer: Cloud is looking like a wardrobe allowing giving access of storing many data from many firms. That one is called public cloud. It is not for free like other data storage. By the way, having access to it is expensive. It is a sort of infrastructure that owns some firm, thing allowing that firm to store their confidential and personal data. At last, cloud hybrid is less used by the internaut or the firm. That one consists of linking public cloud and private cloud in the aim of gathering all data into one of data storage.

2) Storage cloud on data center: As a matter of fact, “cloud” is not looking as his name indicates. Cloud is a kind of network allowing referencing some web applications, but it is especially based on data server or “server farm”. Any network configured the same manner is called “cloud”. Therefore, it is not a data center, but he is rather a kind of network storing a data into some data center.


Data center is not only intended to store data, but also to secure perfectly all data gathered into. Why? Because he protects data from fire, flood, breakdown, power cut and intrusion. Big data is not like a little hard drive, but he might contain a very bulky data. Moreover, he can receive and produce several sources of data. His role consists not only of storing data but also making that storage and processing data very fast as possible. Big data gathered in a very vast storage space all data digital produced by a firm and company. He is able to do that because he has premises contain digital server, and this one allow big data to store data digital into data server or “server farm”. Big data has his own big hard driver, and this one brings data into web server. This one is bound with web browsers, thing allowing big data to store not only data, but also all information gathered from internet. Big data arrays high-tech equipment, thing helping internaut to perform his search engine and to manage regularly the services.


As indicated above, there are big companies using their own data center. There are also many kinds and famous companies using a very famous data center such as, Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, Amazon, and Wikipedia. One agency named Reuters located in Great Britain has also his own data center.


There are seven data center that located all over the United States like Chicago. Finland and Belgium host have the same premises as which located in United Stated. In South Carolina, there is a data center. In North Carolina, Google Company gives a chance to the internaut to have access on a virtual tour. Besides, he has not only a data center but uses also Google Street View. In Russia, there are many data center that used by many and great companies. In French, few data center are located like which in “Strasbourg” and in “Bordeaux”. Xavier Buck founded in Luxembourg a data center named Datacenter Luxembourg. Covilha’s data center lies in Portugal.

To summarize, both our data digital and our data on the internet are stocked in the famous company called Data center or big data, Google Company and a kind of a big cloud.