Both private individual and professional can be victims of the hostages of the cybercriminals.
In a way, these one and their potential work destroy our life both upon the internet and all over the social network or social media. In consideration of several hackers, we have to take real measure so that all kinds of risks and hacking attempts don’t come to us. How to fight against hacking and even to prevent it? Above all, it is essential to take the few points below into account.
Tools technological: In general, among all the recants technological, the computer is the first that victim of hacking. The latter is the electronics devices such as phones intelligent like Smartphone and iPhone8. Of course, these one may also have been hacked.
Account: Several accounts upon the internet might be hacked such as Facebook, blogs, Web site, instagram, Mail, tweeter, Skype, YouTube account, Google account, even a bank account and so on. Server and Wi-Fi password may be also hacked.
Computer: Before taking a measure, we have to be able to find out the sign of a possible hacking. As indicated above, compared with other tools and accounts, computer is frequently hacked. Firstly, it might be that something unusual happens upon our computer. The regular file and some of programs in our computer cannot be opened anymore, and might even not operate regularly. The documents might be blended also, and even disappear. Thus, we should find out from time to time if news programs settle into our computer. It might be that our printer prints a page that we do not even command it to. Sometimes, that printer doesn’t prints regularly.
Internet: In regard to the internet, our computer opens a page of our internet navigator without our recommendation. In case that we stop our computer working, this one is connecting itself and automatically. It might be also that our computer downloads automatically software at random. Our researches are broadcasted again on our own page. Our antivirus software is out of order. It seems that that one disconnects itself. Our mail contact may receive a forgery messages when we didn’t do anything there.
The cybercriminals use many ways and many methods to hack us and our account. There are also many forerunner of piracy. The potentials hackers modify our password in the aim of deriving profit from our personal integrity. Therefore, they check this one for the purpose of knowing our password security, and then they try to modify our IP addresses and “name servers”. In regard to the blogs and the Web sites, the hackers disrupt, and even shut them down. Besides, they hacked into those web sites in order to install a program called “vnattackerpop.swf”. Their objective is to make our Web Sites into “Google blacklist” so that we don’t have access on anymore.
-Computer: we must start by verifying the parameter of our computer, and then check if the software antivirus is activated. It is on our control to activate or not our antivirus. Yes, an antivirus doesn’t disconnect itself. We must warn immediately the software which settles itself on our computer. If our cursor slides automatically and without our permission, we should shut our computer down immediately. After a few minutes, we need to start it again, and click on the “safe mode”. Once it is done, we can use our computer again serenely.
-Mobile devices: keeping our phone secure is almost like the way as Facebook. Of course, we should change our password often, but the best way to increase the security of that phone consists of using a touch ID if possible. Sometimes, we log on our phone and get access on Google chrome. In order that our phone have security safeguard, we have to abstain from downloading an application of which we don’t even know the source. In some kind, we should abstain from clicking on a suspicious links and should not use also a suspicious application.
-Facebook: At the first that we log on Facebook via phone or computer, we might click accidentally on Facebook application, thing allowing that application to keep our password on. Thus, we have to change this one, and then verify again our parameter immediately. The best is to click on the “double-check” in order to reassure the security of our account. We have to change from time to time our password and create which is very complex as possible.
-Email addresses: It is the same as Facebook. His particularity is that: once our mail addresses conks out, one Web site named “’;–have I been pwned” is able to detect that problem. This Web site allows us to know if our mail gets hacked or no. All we have to do is to enter our mail upon the line or browser’s bar of the Web site said above, and then clicks on. ’;–have I been pwned indicates if our mail addresses contains the recent personal data. To prevent hacking, we have to change our password as soon as possible, and make this one difficult to guess or to memorize.
-Internet: In process of navigation, we think we head for the random site. In that case, we should examine if something is changed into our parameter navigation. It might be also that our system is compromised. However, the best way to prevent it is to verify from time to time our parameter both on the computer and on our navigation.
-Network: We have to be careful when we enter our password on some Web site in the aim of preventing fake Web site’s attack. Thus, we should not enter our card information or our account on a Web site without https://. Yes, this one should normally written before “www”… “com”. We should never give out neither our password or passcode nor our phone or tablet’s PIN to anyone.
To sum up, in future, we will be able to protect our computer, our network information, our mobile devices, our firewall and our accounts from hackers.