The use of internet is increasing considerably. As long as the informations collected. Many people including adults, adolescent, professors, managers, minister and celebrities are using it. All of that to say internet is widespread. Nowadays it is very easy to have internet access and use the system. Deals, business and commerce can be wrought on the internet. If you want to buy, to sell or to swap goods and services, internet is the predilection tool you could use easily. With the promotion of social networks, sending messages or directives and chatting about business are so easy to organize. The costs are low and third parts can be avoided. Internet allows the B to B and a direct marketing system. You can talk to your family, friends and fellows who lives far with no travel, or moreover sharing photos, music, videos and more information. That are the reason why many people are really interested in it. Nevertheless we want to ask, what is the responsibility of web sites, socials networks and e-commerce providers about the privacy of users? And what is users’ responsibility?
First of all web privacy involve the degree of privacy that an internet or web users owned by using internet. This then the whole rules and rights that protect public internet users to protect their private information or data base from other users. Thus all users can claim to their right of being in free situation while browsing over the web. Private information involves name, address, email address, number or other interests. These information are usually asked by web page when filling inscription form. There are those who doesn’t want to give this and avoid to enter in the service. Though some web page like Facebook permit to users to hide their information from others, the menaces of being spied is inherent. Moreover, some non-users declare that the providers take and use users’ information in the aim of advertisement and commerce. Thus the problem of privacy involve here the respect of private life or information and the marketing use of these information. Internet privacy is primarily concerned with protecting user information. Technically, the privacy is the protection of users from spam, malware or cookies that may enter in their device, track their position and steal information from their computers or smart devices. The development of social network like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and other blogs has motivated the advance of privacy violation. Even there are privacy policy, the fact of sharing photos, video, and some facts related to users can be used by other to introduce in your private life. At the end, search engines, online maps, browsers, big data system, phishing, farming and spyware can be a source of privacy violation in different ways.
It is obvious that the web has modified the sense of privacy. While giving information to a specific page, we already inform the web of our presence. The privacy violation can occurs with no difficulty. The advance of technology arise the risk of to be tracked and hacked because hackers gain in competence and performance. So if you are just connected in a WI Fi zone, you already face up to the risk of being tracked. The privacy issue is the responsibility of providers and web site manager. They have to develop a special safety system that make internet safer and protect users from trackers, hackers, and backer. Search engine like Qwant, Google and DuckDuckGo should implement a system of cookies, spam and malware cleaner. Additionally, social network, commercial web like Amazon, eBay, and search engine must ask users about what they want to show to public and what they want to hide. Or ask them to give the minimal information required in order to avoid future privacy problem. That are really suitable and relevant in that Consumers are really interested in the safeguard of their privacy. Many people don’t like internet because their privacy could at any time disclosed to the public. The high advance in cybercrime has reduce the amount of internet users, principally in social network and blog. They are the principal preys of web pirates.
As a result of that, web privacy is the problem of all internet users including enterprises, students, businessman, employees or simple person. So it is the accountability of everyone and every entity to defend their privacy. That begin from family and disciplines around internet use. In family, a rule must be implemented concerning internet. The public authority, professors, teachers and each person should promote the best manner to use internet. For example teaching about the danger of sharing and posting information or sensitive photos in the web. For businessman and enterprise they have to hire expert in order to rise their web site and computer security. In the other hand they have to allow their website to refuse storing some private information. That are kind of ethic and customers respect. For employees and the common run of users, they should pay intention about what posting and what sharing on YouTube, Facebook, twitter or Instagram. For students and children, parents and teacher should not permit to use connected devices in the classroom. Parents have to learn more about internet in order to protect their children from eventual threats.
Brief, web privacy is not really different from privacy. This is almost the same but it occurs on the internet. Netting is now developing consequently mainly with new devices and applications. In consequence, we don’t have to forget that violation of private life is punished by law. So any forms of violation can be subject of sentence. Hence, if you want to track someone, to bother someone or annoy someone with the help of internet, you have to think twice before acting. Finally, government and lawmakers of each country should decreed internet and web laws and reinforce regulations related to privacy according to the evolution of technology.
To fnish, I will say a word about email privacy. Often, when you subscribe to a newsletter, your data is sold to third parties if you don’t change your privacy preferences.
Internet privacy is a big deal. If you don’t use the search engine Qwant that do not track you online, you must be very vigilent with the website you order on.
Qwant protect your privacy and your person. But the other search engines have one goal: advertising. And they do anything for users to be identifiable and to know every website they visit, and why.
Never create your account on the website in a hurry and always setup properly your privacy preferences.